SAINT JOHN, November 17, 2016 – Partners For Youth Inc. (PFY) is eyeing a new and improved transitional housing program for homeless youth in New Brunswick. Steeped in best practice and research, this reimagining of Safe Harbour House will seek to engage and empower youth residents and assist them in developing the skills and self-esteem needed to find success and live independently.
“Taking on Safe Harbour has been a truly great experience for us,” says PFY CEO John Sharpe, “we’re looking at a number of successful models from around the world and retooling them so they will apply better to our situation here. At the same time, we have very strong track record when it comes to developing innovative programming, and we’re expecting no less from this initiative. The ultimate goal with Safe Harbour House is to build something truly exceptional and effective, and we have every intention of meeting that goal.”
This new take on Safe Harbour House is enhanced by a number of strong community partnerships with organizations and government bodies throughout the region. This residential program is a direct response to an ongoing youth homelessness crisis in southern New Brunswick. The recent closure of the former Safe Harbour facility left the region with no such transitional housing program. As a result, homeless youth remain vulnerable, living on the streets or in otherwise unsafe situations, all while trying their best to get their lives on track.
“As a government we are committed to investing in the needs of homeless youth in New Brunswick and specifically through Safe Harbour House, for youth in greater Saint John. Our partnership with Partners for Youth Inc will provide high level services and a long term approach to supporting homeless youth as they transition into safe and supportive housing.” Hon. Stephen Horsman, Deputy Premier, Minister of Children and Youth/Social Development
In reimagining Safe Harbour House, PFY is looking to build on a rich history of youth programming endeavours. Residents will have access to a strength-based and person-centered body of program options to help them develop a high-level of self growth and empowerment.
The ten bed residential facility is set to open its doors on March 1st, 2017. A launch event will take place on Wednesday, November 23rd at 1:30pm. It will take place at the home, located at 50 Broad St in Saint John.