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program tippy canoe

The PFY Summer camp has been in our family for many years. Camp Tippy Canoe is located on the banks of North Lake, NB. The lake is part of a series of waterways on the St. Croix International Waterway, which straddles the border between Canada and the United States. It was once a common place of rest for travelers on the old Maliseet Trail Portage Route.

collage of camp images

Our campsite is used to provide summer experiences to hundreds of youth each year and school groups during parts of the off season. Our summer camps are made up almost entirely of students from the Sport 3 middle school program as well as youth who are in high school and who want to participate in a leadership program. In this way, we are able to engage youth over a longer period to ensure they receive all the support they need as they transition into high school and beyond.


Contact Information

PFY Summer Camp

4030 Route 122, North Lake, NB.
On Site Phone: (506) 894-2222

PFY Main Office

487 Brunswick St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5L6
Main Line Phone: (506) 462-0323

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