On Friday, December 2nd people across New Brunswick will be celebrating Dots for Kids Day. This campaign is part of a grassroots movement that has been empowering youth, family and community to take positive actions in support of kids’ mental health since 2010.
This year, as part of the Dots for Kids Day—RING A BELL Campaign, students in kindergarten to grade eight will be learning about mental health in schools across the province from November 28th – December 2nd through lead up lesson plans & activities, a classroom video presentation, and a bell ringing event.
The goal of the RING A BELL Campaign is to raise awareness and inspire youth, their families, and communities to take positive actions in support of youth mental health. This year, we are asking for support from each of our province’s 49 elected members of the legislature by participating in a launch-day celebration on November 28th, 2016.
More specifically, the request is for all New Brunswick MLAs to go to a local school in their constituency on November 28th and say a few words on this important issue to students and staff during the school’s morning announcements.
By taking part in this collaborative process, we are recognizing that the Ring A Bell Campaign is a powerful example of the kind of social innovation necessary to break through the silence and stigma that often surrounds this issue.
For more information on the campaign and how you can get involved, visit our Dots NB site by clicking here.