I share with you another edition of our wonderful newsletter, designed to show you a snapshot of our work over the past several months. To say it has been a busy year would be a massive understatement! As you read this publication, another school year has come to a close, and we are busy preparing for the summer camp season.
Hundreds of children and youth from across New Brunswick will spend a week of their summer vacation canoeing, hiking, and tenting in some of the province’s most beautiful wilderness areas—all under the careful supervision of our well trained staff. Sleep-away summer camps are a dying breed here in New Brunswick, but the positive impact they can have on children and youth is significant. Personally, I have been involved in camps in one form or another for 25 years. From my first experiences years ago, to the camps I am involved with here today, I have seen many youth experience profound positive change from their time at camp.
Apart from the fun and excitement, summer camps expose children and youth to the outside and physical world around them, they engage campers in a world of imagination and creativity unlike any other experience. In our case, campers sleep in tents, spend time canoeing, cooking over an open fire, swimming in lakes and streams, sleeping under the stars and making fantastic lifelong friends.
We want to give our deepest thanks for all of our honorary campers out there who continue to help us change lives every year. If you find yourself looking for something to do, feel free to take a drive to North Lake, NB and visit us at Camp Tippy Canoe, home to the world’s best apple crisp—cooked over an open fire of course.