This 29th of November will mark the third provincial Children and Youth in Care Day in New Brunswick. Officially designated by Lieutenant-Governor Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau in 2013, the goal of this day is to both recognize and celebrate youth in care throughout the province.
We recognize the NBYICN cannot be everywhere at once. We also understand how busy people are, and how it can be difficult to find time to plan for something like this. So to help with these celebrations as best we can, we’ve prepared a handy guide for social workers and regional staff to put together their own events. Our NBYICN Celebration Guide provides a step-by-step process for organizing a youth-led project or event in your region.
Take a look at our guide here!
But wait; there’s more.
To help strengthen the many celebrations to come, we are organizing a month long art contest for youth in care in New Brunswick. Any person who is currently in care or who was in care in the past are encouraged to submit up to three pieces for the contest. From these submissions, three winners will be chosen by a panel of their peers.
What’s more: All who submit artwork will have the opportunity to be part of a curated art show to be displayed throughout the province beginning in February 2017!
We’ll be making more detailed information available online in the coming weeks. For now, if you’re someone from care in New Brunswick, get that imagination flowing and those art materials ready. We’re hoping to hear from you soon!
For more information on the contest, feel free to contact us!