PFY Connect supports timely access to counselling therapy for youth ages 14 to 24.
A youth in need of support will make an initial connection to our designated staff team which includes a social worker – through a simple referral process. They will then be assessed to ensure the appropriate counselling need is met and then PFY staff will reach out on behalf of the youth to a licensed counselling therapist and make the first appointment for the consenting youth. Follow up will occur with the youth from PFY to confirm appointment and address any barriers to attending, such as transportation. If needed, PFY will support up to 8 sessions of private counselling therapy. This initiative fills a specific gap in mental health support for youth.
For more information or for an appointment contact the nearest Community Mental Health Centre, Psychiatric Unit or Hospital in New Brunswick. To connect with these services please visit Mental Health Services website.
Chimo is a provincial crisis phone line, that is accessible 24hrs a day, 365 days a year to all residents of New Brunswick.
Bridge the gapp is a new way to connect with guidance and support for mental health and addictions.
The best thing about it is its accessibility. From a computer, tablet or a phone in your pocket, you can instantly access content that can provide advice, inspiration, assurance, or direction for finding additional supports when you need it the most.
Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) for children and youth with emotional, behavioural, and mental health issues. The Integrated Services Delivery (ISD) approach involves close collaboration among team members and participating departments (i.e. Education and Early Childhood Development, Social Development, Health, Public Safety, school districts and regional health authorities). ISD Child and Youth (C&Y) Team members work closely with student services staff in schools. A variety of services are available, and may be delivered in schools and community settings.
The Canadian Mental Health Association is the provincial leader and champion for mental health. CMHA of NB helps people access the community resources they need to build resilience and support recovery from mental illness.
The Link Program enables individuals with any kind of issues to access local help services through a Link Companion. We want to give a person the opportunity to resolve his or her issues before they escalate and lead to a more serious situation.