We are pleased to welcome “Dots NB for Kids’ Mental Health” into the PFY family. Serving as our new youth mental health branch, Dots NB will empower youth, family and community members to develop sustainable mobilization strategies toward the enhancement of prevention and early intervention and improved treatments and services for children and youth with complex needs in New Brunswick.
Cindy Miles, a long time Dots NB volunteer and staff will continue to coordinate this great initiative. Cindy has been working and volunteering in the not for profit sector for 25 years and brings to PFY 15 years of successful business management experience, a social science degree from Saint Thomas University with a concentration in policy, and experience in the education system working with children with exceptional needs.
By bringing Dots NB into the family, we will supplement our existing work with new initiatives centered around community support and mobilization. Building off an expanded leadership role, we will further the development of a NB Network of Excellence and develop new opportunities for community mobilization to support children with complex needs. We will also work in close partnership with stakeholders who have a vested interest in the provincial Integrated Services Delivery (ISD) project. The future is bright.